Monday, June 15, 2015

We Are Home!!! - Ibotta

After a very fun (but exhausting) weekend away at my mom's and Florida Country Superfest, we have returned to our home and are very happy to be here. The festival was very entertaining in many ways between the people and the show itself; Zac Brown Band was by far my favorite show just because I like bands that can do any kind of music, including covers of other genres. Kenny Chesney was also a great show but predictable; I easily guessed the encore song and had heard him perform all of the other songs he did at this show last year when we went to FloraBama Jam. The seats themselves were nice even though they were up a bit; we were in the SHADE the entire time! Lucky us, free seats that were perfect!

From our seats in the stadium.

I am known for getting free samples as much as possible and freebies through other sites too, but I am soon to see new budgetary restrictions on my grocery shopping... so I have decided to give Ibotta a shot. I have heard good things through a family relative, so I downloaded the app today. I already am a little frustrated; I unlocked a rebate and it expires before tomorrow but I can really use it! It's not like I live somewhere that I can just go redeem it anytime I like. I think I am going to have to get used to using this app; any suggestions as to maximizing my rebates? Coupons and bargain shopping are easy, but this puts a whole new layer of complications to the process! I need the savings though; we are cutting our food budget per month by more than $60.

I didn't notice anything very exciting in the mail after being gone since Saturday; I had a sticker from Harley Davidson I had sent off for a while back (which my fiance quickly took away lol), but other than that the mail was very unexciting. I have also joined a few more survey sites in an effort to continue to bring in financial income beyond my regular job and small candle business. I am desperately trying to keep us out of debt this year so I can afford to BUY a home next year (I've been renting and wasting my money for far too long). Cross your fingers.

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